Dont hate much,
I hate Old Kerepot,
Thought that I could,
hate Emirates and Anfield,
points behind of the Chelsea,
Thought that Alex could lose it alone,
In the blink of an eye,
Giggis play another game,
Telling me why,
Manchester lose again?
Got this Giggis,
got me geli,
I can almost start losing teeths,
Now there's Old Kerepot,
Man U will lose alone,
Old Kerepot,
losers are together now,
Through my astro,
I can see,
there's more than lose than more than win
Old Kerepot,
And we are not alone,
Different School,
Paul still schooling now,
Through my window,
I can see,
Ferguson could have been so gila...
I see a bolos,
it starts an anger,
Is this the one worth watching for?
Thought that I could do it without my remote,
Cant watch it like this anymore,
Now there's Old Kerepot,
Rooney are ber-bulu alone,
Old Kerepot,Alex are kerepot now,
Through my astro,
I can see,
there more than lose than more than win,
Where hath the activists gone? Blown by the vuvuzela's earshot? Where hath the fighters gone? Failed to recover from the World Cup fever? Now the critisms are heard no more ! The protestors are seen no more ! Where's the Gaza supporting profile pictures, Gone with the wind?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Thursday, December 24, 2009 5 comments
Labels: Of His Works of Art
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Politician Nowadays
What about Islam?
What about Malay?
What about all the manifestos that you said we are going get?
Did you ever stop to notice?
Our peoples were suffering here.
Did you ever stop to notice?
The Malays are falling behind.
Where is your promise?
Grant it after we all died?
What have you done to Malaysia,
Look what you have done,
what about all the promise that you said on PR-12?
Did you ever failed to recall?
All the promise you harboured to us?
Where are you hiding?
Tell us the place.
Where are the funds?
Give us our rights.
Where are all the money?
That you embezzled from us.
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Wednesday, November 25, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Of His Works of Art
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ketika pulang ke Thailand pada Eid-ul-fitr yang lepas(2
009), saya sempat melawat ke Pantai Narathiwat atau locally known as Pantai Nara.Ini antara gambar yang berjaya saya snap.
Goodbye,crystal-like beach.I'll be missing u.
Protected by mother nature.
what a nice panorama.Keep our beaches like this and the whole world will come to visit us..
Time to leave our footprints here.Like the saying "leave nothing but footprints"
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Tuesday, October 20, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Where is Malaysia?
Nation GDP(Trillion) PerCapita
USA 13.860 46,000
CHINA 7.430 5,300
JAPAN 4.305 33,800
INDIA 2.965 2,700
GERMANY 2.833 34,400
U.K 2.147 35,300
RUSSIA 2.076 14,600
FRANCE 2.067 33,800
BRAZIL 1.838 9,700
ITALY 1.800 31,000
SPAIN 1.362 33,700
MEXICO 1.353 12,500
CANADA 1.274 38,200
SOUTH KOREA 1.206 24,600
IRAQ 0.852 12,300
INDONESIA 0.845 3,400
AUSTRALIA 0.766 37,500
TAIWAN 0.690 29,800
TURKEY 0.667 9,400
NETHERLANDS 0.639 38,600
POLAND 0.624 16,200
SAUDI ARABIA 0.572 20,700
ARGENTINA 0.523 13,000
THAILAND 0.519 8,000
SOUTH AFRICA 0.467 10,400
PAKISTAN 0.446 2,600
EGYPT 0.431 5,400
BELGIUM 0.378 36,500
MALAYSIA 0.357 14,400
VENEZUELA 0.335 12,800
SWEEDEN 0.333 36,900
GREECE 0.326 30,500
UKRAINE 0.321 6,900
COLOMBIA 0.320 7,200
AUSTRIA 0.319 39,800
SWITZERLAND 0.300 39,700
Compilled by Harry_Zidane92
Tot I'm no good in economy,yet suck at Maths,don't get me wrong okay.I can tell there's something eye-glittering with Malaysia's performance on the recent years.Last year,2008 ,Malaysia is in the 29th place with a total GDP trade of $357.9 billion.Sounds pretty much isn't?Huh of course.Such a rapid economy growth.Give thank to our goverment for all the incentive and effort to prevent further economic-recession.
$169.9 billion on export.Malaysia's export is mostly based on electronic equipments,petroleum and LNG.US remained our biggest export buyer with 18.8%,Singapore 15.4%,Japan 8.9%,China 7.2%,Thailand 5.3%,Hong Kong 4.9%.
$132.9 billion on import.
Unfortunately,Our per capita is only about $14,400/year.Monthly,every Malaysian citizen only receive $1,200.We should have done better.Isn't?$1,200/month is not that much compared to our neighbour country,Singapore.
note that GDP is acronym to Gross Domestic Product.
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 2 comments
To hack the msdict dictionary.(OS s60 2nd Edition only)
bagi sume pengguna msdict.Xkesa la korang pakai dictionary apa pun..Jepun ker..French ker..Italian ker..Jerman ker..Spanish ker..Mesti ramai yg donlod dr web mobile system an?Mobile system memag ada bagi trial period selama 30 hari..Tapi aku dapat tau camne nak revert trial period tue..Hehe..Just a simple trick.
Alkisah..Senang je.Bila da sampai masa 30 hari trial period tue abis.Korang guna r fileman or Explorer dan yg sewaktu dgn nya,pergi ke drive C.Then masuk folder "Systems"..Then masuk folder "Data"..Then carik file "msdict.dat"..Biaseya file tue size nya 239 byte..Delete file "msdict.dat" tue..Then exit fileman.Try buka msdict dictionary korang..Tadaaa..Da siap..Skang trial period die kembali kpd 30 hari..Bila dah abes 30 hari pastu..Kowg wat ar agi smpai korang mati pun..Sure ley guna..Hehe..
Tujuan ak nunjuk ajar ni bukan la ak s0h k0rang asek d0nlod secare free then crik crack utk software tue..Tp aku tau btape pnting nya dictionary tue kat k0wg..Aku p0n hari2 bukak dictionary Deutsch(German)..Bg sape yg l0m try ag msdict..Try ler..Kowg xkan nyesal..Tapi ak lagi suggest kat kowg ar..Beli ar yg ori..Tapi kalau xmampu macam aku..There's a lot of crackers to lessen your burden.Haha
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 0 comments
1820 1 billion
1930 2 billion
1960 3 billion
1974 4 billion
1988 5 billion
2000 6 billion
2007's census is about 6.61 billion.
So,I could assume that we'll get around 7 billion in the end of 2010.Haha.2020?
This information is actually not provided or conducted by me.Of course.Who the heck am I to do all this large-scaled surveilance.Isn't?I got this info from WorldFact 2008 conducted by CIA
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 0 comments
"It takes no genius to be a genius"
Maybe all the people who knows me,they knew that i'm keen on using this saying.It's not that i'm saying that i'm a genius now.This saying,it means it takes nothing for you to be somebody skilled in your field of expertise.It just the time.The time will lead you.It will lead you to your glorious Eureka's moment.The moment of a great finding.
this saying suits me well.May be i'm no genius,no smart,no as bright as all of you.But i believe i'll be somebody like all of you.i know i'll be there one day.
May be there's a slight of doubtness whether i can be like the kind of you.To follow your way.To head to the way you all are leading.To keep on with your pace.Maybe i could never catch up with your pace.
i'm still crawling at this rate.Not like you.You are all running and maybe some are even sprinting,using all your resolve to reach there.To be on top of the world.
But,never mind.i'll do it my way.With my own style.i never hesitate about my ability and my capability and mycredibility.Because i know so much about them than you do!
The time will do it and Allah will decide the right moment for my glorious moment.i'm dead sure It's around the time of my living.
Until that moment,i'll be myself.Enjoying every second of my life.i'll live myself to the fullest.To make use of my brain to reach to it's never-before-seen ability.But now,i know i can be someone as smart as you.i can be like Faraday,Einstein or any genius figure who shaken the world with their finding one day,in the future.Because i know.They also started empty handed.
the use of small-lettered 'i' is not due to some gramatic errors in my writing or that i could not use the capital-lettered,'I'.It's due to the fact that i'm a very humble man.Hehe.
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 3 comments
Bila laa aku nak kick-start?
Cam yang korang dan aku tau..
SPM,tinggal 2 bulan je agi..
Tapi aku still dengan habit lame.Still dgn "Acedia" aku..Malas,x amek kesah n maen "wait and see" agi..
Well..Critical gak Acedia aku ni..Coz 2 r tercontain dlm 7 deadly sins.Hehe.
Start gn PPT bln Mei tue..Ak nekad nk start n boost RAM otak aku ni..Tapi..Early in the morning je jadi nye..Pastu aku set nak boost time trial..Trial p0n x jadi..5 fail beb(aku agak r cz result l0m kuar ag)..Pe kejadah nye?Add math p0n still topsy turvy agi..So bila r the outmost Eureka's moment aku akan hadir huh?
Aku sedih gak..Aku bukannya bodoh lagi tolol..Aku senanye sgt pandai..Pandai utk jd mls dan cari alasan xnk g sekola lar..Hehe
teruk kan aku nih?Tapi aku percaya..1 day nanti..Miracle akan datang..Aku tak perlu kan miracle utk jadi kaya..Sebab aku dah mampu beli maggie gn duet aku sendiri(maggie je la)..Hehe..Aku xperlu miracle utk jadi pandai..Sebab aku dah mampu hafal A,B,C..Aku cuma harap..Miracle yang akan mengabolishkan kelazyan aku nih akan datang..Tepat pada waktu dan tempat nya..Oh Lord..Give me that miracle..You are the only one we prayed to..I need it so badly..Maybe aku kena back to square one kot..Recall pe yang penah aku blajar and revise lesson yg aku tinggalkan dulu..
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 0 comments
Big f0ur matches
15/16 August 09
CHE 2-1 Hull
(Drogba 2 goals)
Eve 1-6 ARS
MAN 1-0 Bir
Tot 2-1 LIV
18/19 August 09
Sun 1-3 CHE
Bur 1-0 MAN
LIV 4-0 Sto
22/23/24 August 09
ARS 4-1 Por
Wig 0-5 MAN
Full 0-2 CHE
29 August 09
CHE 3-0 Burn
Bolt 2-3 LIV
12 SEPT 09
LIV 4-0 Burn
Mac 4-2 ARS
Sto 1-2 CHE
Tot 1-3 MAN
19/20/21 Sept 09
ARS 4-0 Wig
Whu 0-1 LIV
CHE 3-0 Tot
26 Sept 09
Sto 0-2 MAN
Wig 3-1 CHE
3/4 Oct 09
MAN vs Sun
ARS vs Blk
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 0 comments
12 apps Yang Mesti Ada Dalam HP Korang.
2.LCG JukeBox
4.Flash Player
7.Mobile World Fact
9.Super Bluetooth Hack
10.Smart Settings
11.Call Recorder
12. 125 telecom Background Music
bagi yang lum ada apps nih..Try lar carik..Banyak version yg dah sedia di crack kan oleh hackers yg bertauliah(perli ni)..
Apps yg disebut diatas hanya sesuai digunakan oleh Nokia S60 2nd Edition sahaja seperti Nokia N70.Yang up dari s60 2nd Edition..
Pandai2 la k0rang carik sendiri.
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Sunday, October 04, 2009 2 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Politic's Slave
Socrates once said,
humans are the politic's slave,
he ought knows,
In the future,
power abusement,
is a tradition,
a culture which passed through time and space,
He ought knows,
what future-politician is like,
they only knows to abuse power,
hopping from a party to another,
just like grasshoppers,
searching for the crops,
they had wish to destroy,
to make use of it,
to the fullest.
that's happen when they sleep on their jobs,
but the job doesn't mind,
because it was merely a job,
they ought forgot,
the job is very select,
millions of peoples selected them,
to be the people's representative,
to enforce the laws,
to lighten people's burdens.
They may forgot,
every 5 years,
millions of Malaysian,
go out to vote for them,
contributing every penny ,
to be spend on their campaigns,
they are immortal,
but the immortality,
is merely meant to be used in Parliamentary,
but never in public.
Singh is King,
King of Monkeys,
I guessed..
(an another masterpiece from the humble Malaysian,not to criticize..just an another sarcastism from me...)
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Friday, September 11, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Of His Works of Art
hye all.Ni merupakan entry pertama aku pasal H1N1.H1N1 seperti yg kita tahu telah merebak ke seluruh dunia dan WHO pun dah kuarkan PANDEMIK(lebih kurg cm darurat or pengisytiharan penularan wabak ke seluruh dunia) berkaitan H1N1.Sehingga semalam kira2 75 orang warga Malaysia telah maut dan ratusan lagi masih belum pulih dari H1N1.
Berkaitan pencegahan H1N1,aku mmg menyokong usaha kerajaan menutup sekolah2 yg dimana pelajar sekolah berkenaan dijangkiti H1N1.
Tapi agak pelik kerana pelajar asrama juga turut dibenarkan pulang ke rumah.Memang pada dasarnya,pelajar asrama yg dibenarkan pulang itu adlh pelajar yg negatif H1N1 pd mulanya,tapi mungkin juga pelajar itu sudah dijangkiti H1N1 tetapi belum menunjukkan simptom2 H1N1 ketika itu.tapi apa akan terjadi setelah pelajar itu pulang ke rumah kemudian baru lah mengalami simptom dan positif H1N1?Kemudian menjangkiti pula ahli keluarga yg lain.
Bayangkan jika nisbah nya 1/1000 pelajar yg pulang ke rumah itu positif H1N1.Berapa byk ahli keluarga yg akan dijangkiti?Kesian ibu bapa yg tak senang tidur memikirkan kemungkinan mereka akan dijangkiti H1N1.Haha..Sekian saja .
Fikirkan lah sejenak.Wassalam.
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Friday, September 11, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
tips utk memajukan Bola Sepak Malaysia
(kalau leh pkai ar)
1.Kanak2 perlu pendedahan seawal usia 7tahun atau lagi muda lagi bagus.Lau kaki da keras cm kayu baru nak bg maen bola,arapan r nak masuk World Cup.
2.Gunakan provokasi.Antara faktor2 yg membawa kpd kejayaan penuh bersejarah Chelsea merangkul kejuaraan EPL pd tahun 2007 adalah provokasi yg dilancarkan oleh sendiri oleh Jose Mourinho.Jose melancarkan provokasi dgn mem"provoke" kpd Player2 Chelsea bhw mereka tidak begitu di sukai dan dihormati oleh peminat bola sepak dan kelab2 lain.Cara yg sama jugak bjaya membawa Inter Milan menjadi juara selama 4 musim berturut2! Syabas Mourinho
3.Politiking.Harus lah dihapuskan.Camane budak2 nak main bola kalau dalam FAM sendiri pegawai2 nya asek sibuk carik pangkat n berebut kuasa je?
4.Berilah peluang dan masa kat Jurulatih utk buktikan kemampuan d0rang.Lau setakat kalah 2 or 3 game tu standard r..Ni sampai nak pecat2 plk.Lau cmtu xd sape nak jadi jurulatih lau asek kena pecat jer.(cian B. Sathianathan,walaupun bjaya naikkan ranking Msia tp ttp kena pecat gara2 tewas 5-0 gn UAE..Pdhal stau aku rekod Msia dlm AFF suzuki Cup x ar gempak mana pun dlm 10 tahun terakhir ni..Ditambah pulak dgn masalah kecergasan pemain time tue mmg x mmuaskan..Hanya 2,3 pemain je yg cukup cergas time main gn UAE tu..Patot ker jurulatih yg dipersalahkan?Renung2 kan lar..FAM jgn lah cmni..
5.Masalah kewangan.Benda ni antara benda yg foremost utk diselesaikan.Byk sgt dah ku dgr citer psl Persatuan negeri xbayar gaji pemain ar.
6.Padang.Memang teruk
7.Masalah fitness,diet dan pemakanan pemain mestilah di pantau dgn kadar segera.
9.Rasa mudah bangga.
10.Semangat patriotik
11.Galakkan anak2 bersukan(dalam prospek ni,bola sepak ar).Ni simpan anak dlm umah wat pekasam.Last2 anak jd giler n kuat memberontak gara2 dikongkong dgn HEBAT nya oleh ibu bapa mereka.Jgn r rmpas hak mereka sbg sowg remaja.
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Saturday, August 15, 2009 0 comments
Isu Khas :PPSMI Part (1)
Setelah 6 tahun PPSMI dieksperimenkan keatas pelajar2 UPSR,PMR dan SPM , kerajaan berkeputusan untuk memansuhkankan nya sepenuhnya pada 2012.
Pada pendapat aku la,PPSMI ni mmg selayaknya dimansuhkan,kalau tujuan utama nak jalankan PPSMI sebab nak tingkatkan tahap kefasihan dan kemahiran penggunaan bahasa english pelajar2,bukan kah ad cara dan kaedah lain bg melakukan nya??..
Masalahnya kenapa pelajar2 dijadikan bahan experimen?Kebanyakan member2 aku yg dah abis sekolah.Dorang xberani nak amek course yg menggunakan 100% bahasa English.Coz dorang xnak dibebankan dgn mslh pembelajaran nanti.
Kenapa?Coz dorang belum fasih lagi bertutur dlm Bahasa English.
Seperkara lagi,guru-guru yg mengajar dlm PPSMI pon nampaknya blom menguasai English sepenuhnya..terdapat byk kelemahan cth nya dlm menerangkan sesuatu..
to be continued
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Saturday, August 15, 2009 2 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dunia Sains ku
Aku mula belajar apa itu erti physics,chemistry dan biology sejak dari form 1.Dan tok guru aku time tue adalah Abg Bob,senior aku(bekas bdk 5 efisyen).
Dia yg ajar aku apa tue rennin,pepsin,amylase.....
Periodic table,proton,electron,isotopes....
Inertia,momentum,pe tu law and principles
time 2 aku timbul minat ar nak amek science stream time aku f0m4 nt..Tp time pmr.. Result aku agak kureng sikit.. Menipiskan arapan aku tuk amek science.. Aku mkin risau pas aku tye cikgu Chemistry,Cikgu Mardiana ad pluang x aku nak msuk kelas science..Die kate agak tipis ar peluang aku..Aku risau beb..Cz slame ni aku l0m pnh jatuh dpd kelas 1st..Dpd sekolah rendah ag p0n aku l0m pnh turun kelas 2nd..So ad gak rse malu lau aku turun kelas nt..
So,pada ari penentuan kelas tu..Aku ttgu2 nama aku disebut utk msuk kelas 1st or kelas 2nd..Time 2 aku da xkesa da..1st or 2nd..Janji aku amek science..Tp name aku xd dlm list kelas 1st,Kelas 4 Syukur..Aku makin risau pas time die dah umum lebih dpd 30 nama students utk Kelas 2nd,Kelas 4 Efisyen tp nama aku still x kuar2..Lastly,Cikgu umum nama yang last sekali utk 4 Efisyen..N nama aku yg last skali..Aku bersyukur gak r cz dpt kelas problem nye skg ni..nak lulus pon bkn maen pyh agi...hohoho
lantak ar..janji aku amek sains..lulus or gagal SPM nanti,,
...2 Qada' dan Qadar..berserah je ar..
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Wednesday, August 05, 2009 2 comments
Tips To Avoid From Getting Bullied in Hostel..
Juniors always be a victim and be victimized...
It happens so that i've come up with some tips for you...(to avoid from being bullied)
1.D0n't ever show that you are perfectly skilled in almost anything.Just try to be normal.
2.Dont create havoc.The seniors are watching your actions.
3.Respect the elders but be fair and never plot to take peoples down.
4.Show that u respected them.But Not afraid..
5.Mix wif the elders.Sh0w that ur matured.
6.Never ever be too selfish and stingy.They will never likes u.
7.Don't show them that you have too much pride in yourself..
Hope it does helps a lot..
by M. Azhaari Shah(MAS)
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Wednesday, August 05, 2009 1 comments

Yang pasti nya,apa rasional nya berhimpun ramai2 takat nak wat havoc tue?ker dorang xtau or xtgk kalender yg hari tu Hari Sabtu?Hari tumpuan pengunjung n pelancong kat area tue??wat malu nama Malaysia jer..lau yer pon nak serah memorandum Mansuhkan ISA tue,xle ker serah dalam keadaan aman lau dorang still nak berarak gak?aku xkesa lau dah ar wat perarakan HARAM,x dpt permit,tapi still nak wat havoc gak..
Mane ar letak akal fikiran orang yang mendakwa mereka dewasa,matang dan berakal ni?jangan sampai ranking Malaysia turun dalam Ranking Keamanan Dunia dah arr..tahun lepas no.26..tu pon sebab x byk insiden...
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Wednesday, August 05, 2009 6 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
hye's been so long that I din update this blog of's not that i'm bored with it..but fyi,my PC is "severely injured" with what we call as VIRUS!!..
damn hell..
i dunno how it gets into my PC,but as far as I'm concerned..I din d/l anything from the internet for the past few weeks.Why does it happen to me??OMG...maybe it was a crystal clear warning that Allah wants me to focus on my studies...
(so I have so much time to be spent wif my family)
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Monday, July 06, 2009 1 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
We are here in 5 syukur,
we are isolated,
from the crowd,
from the others..
Like an island,
estranged from the whole world,
We got a neighbour,
it's 5 Efisyen,
the same goes for them,
They got a neighbour too,
it's the ocean of books(SPBT),
Full of boringness,
but still got some colours,
sticked on the wall.
Here in 5 syukur,
we have no choice,
but to go on,
make or break,
that's the teacher's saying,
here in 5 syukur,
we still go on,
because we believes that,
it takes no genius to be a genius..
For our juniors,
study hard,
study smart,
don't let your guard down,
because when you do so,
you will end up like this poem writer !
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Monday, June 22, 2009 6 comments
Labels: Of His Works of Art
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
they will rise,
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3 comments
Labels: Of His Works of Art
Manchester United's Coach,Sir Alex Ferguson is having a difficult time at this moment when his club,Man Utd lost on the last week Champions League Final against Barcelona.
The match ended 2-0 defeat to Barcelona.
Barcelona's striker,Samuel Eto'o fired a short-distance shot on the 10th minute to defeat the old and bengong keeper,Edvin Van Der Sar.Messi,sealed the victory with his superb header,to defeat the foolish keeper again.
Due to that dissapointing defeat to Barcelona.Alex Ferguson has made the biggest change in his best eleven..
where he had sold away Wayne Rooney , Christiano Ronaldo , Edwin Van Der Sar ,Ryan Giggs , Berbatov , Rio Ferdinand and Paul Scholes to Kelantan FA and Perak FA..(hahahaha)
Then he bought several players from Liverfool FC and Arsengal FC.The players are,
Bulu Guni ,Bapoknaldo ,Van Besar ,Rian Gigi ,Rio Pedinen ,Berbatu , Pul Sekolah and many more.
"Manchester Useless Foolish Club"..
And their slogan is no more "Glory,glory Man U".. It's "Sorry,Sorry Man U"..
They are also shifting from "Old Trafford" to their new stadium,"Old Kerepot"..This changes is made to due to the defeat to Barca.MASPRESS(M.Azhaari Shah Press)
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 0 comments
Krisis di Perak > Nizar vs Zambry.

Mesti ramai yang tertunggu keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi tentang siapakah Menteri Besar Perak yang sah,Nizar atau Zambry kan?
Bagi aku.Masalah camni kalau boleh,Setel ar cepat cepat.Sebab musababnya rakyat Perak gak yang rugi.Kalau dah tak ada escapism lain, bubar Parlimen.Fresh Election je ar jawapan nya.
Masalah nya,Aku cukup bengang dengan sikap Sivakumar,speaker Perak.Yang die suka suka gantung Si Zambry and 6 exco lain tu kenapa? Tak demokratik langsung.
Krisis ni senang je nak disetelkan kalau semua pihak sedar dan akur pada hakikat dan kenyataan sebenar.Aku bukannya nak menzahirkan sokongan kepada BN.Aku lebih suka menjadi on the fence observer.Tapi buka hati dan minda korang.Fikirkan sejenak.Aku tau artikel ni leh menyakitkan hati sesetengah orang.Tapi sedar la.Krisis ni bukan nya kes terpencil lagi.Lau tak ditangani segera,Maybe TRAGEDI BERDARAH 13 May akan berulang.Yang nak mogok lapar ar..Nak puasa sunat r..Wat pe?Seorang leader yg bijaksana dan adil takkan suruh pengikutnya wat bnda2 yang tak relevan..So kepada yang nak mencetuskan hasutan cam si Raja Petra yg penakut nak masuk Court tue.(anak dia pun berani tunjuk muka kat Court)..Fikirkan la dulu setiap action yg korang nak wat.Coz setiap action pasti ad reaction dan setiap reaction pasti ada chain of reaction n then ada impact and consequence nya.
So, bak kata Professor Jumri kat sek0lah aku,"kamu cari la sendiri,saya takkan beritahu kamu.."..Hahaha..kalau ada apa apa yg menyinggung perasaan,ada ralat(random error) ke pasal information di atas..Gitau ar..Sila bagi feedback dan pendapat korang..
Posted by Mohamad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Dont hate much,
I hate Old Kerepot,
Thought that I could,
hate Emirates and Anfield,
points behind of the Chelsea,
Thought that Alex could lose it alone,
In the blink of an eye,
Giggis play another game,
Telling me why,
Manchester lose again?
Got this Giggis,
got me geli,
I can almost start losing teeths,
Now there's Old Kerepot,
Man U will lose alone,
Old Kerepot,
losers are together now,
Through my astro,
I can see,
there's more than lose than more than win
Old Kerepot,
And we are not alone,
Different School,
Paul still schooling now,
Through my window,
I can see,
Ferguson could have been so gila...
I see a bolos,
it starts an anger,
Is this the one worth watching for?
Thought that I could do it without my remote,
Cant watch it like this anymore,
Now there's Old Kerepot,
Rooney are ber-bulu alone,
Old Kerepot,Alex are kerepot now,
Through my astro,
I can see,
there more than lose than more than win,
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What about Islam?
What about Malay?
What about all the manifestos that you said we are going get?
Did you ever stop to notice?
Our peoples were suffering here.
Did you ever stop to notice?
The Malays are falling behind.
Where is your promise?
Grant it after we all died?
What have you done to Malaysia,
Look what you have done,
what about all the promise that you said on PR-12?
Did you ever failed to recall?
All the promise you harboured to us?
Where are you hiding?
Tell us the place.
Where are the funds?
Give us our rights.
Where are all the money?
That you embezzled from us.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
009), saya sempat melawat ke Pantai Narathiwat atau locally known as Pantai Nara.Ini antara gambar yang berjaya saya snap.
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Goodbye,crystal-like beach.I'll be missing u.
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Protected by mother nature.

what a nice panorama.Keep our beaches like this and the whole world will come to visit us..
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Time to leave our footprints here.Like the saying "leave nothing but footprints"
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Nation GDP(Trillion) PerCapita
USA 13.860 46,000
CHINA 7.430 5,300
JAPAN 4.305 33,800
INDIA 2.965 2,700
GERMANY 2.833 34,400
U.K 2.147 35,300
RUSSIA 2.076 14,600
FRANCE 2.067 33,800
BRAZIL 1.838 9,700
ITALY 1.800 31,000
SPAIN 1.362 33,700
MEXICO 1.353 12,500
CANADA 1.274 38,200
SOUTH KOREA 1.206 24,600
IRAQ 0.852 12,300
INDONESIA 0.845 3,400
AUSTRALIA 0.766 37,500
TAIWAN 0.690 29,800
TURKEY 0.667 9,400
NETHERLANDS 0.639 38,600
POLAND 0.624 16,200
SAUDI ARABIA 0.572 20,700
ARGENTINA 0.523 13,000
THAILAND 0.519 8,000
SOUTH AFRICA 0.467 10,400
PAKISTAN 0.446 2,600
EGYPT 0.431 5,400
BELGIUM 0.378 36,500
MALAYSIA 0.357 14,400
VENEZUELA 0.335 12,800
SWEEDEN 0.333 36,900
GREECE 0.326 30,500
UKRAINE 0.321 6,900
COLOMBIA 0.320 7,200
AUSTRIA 0.319 39,800
SWITZERLAND 0.300 39,700
Compilled by Harry_Zidane92
Tot I'm no good in economy,yet suck at Maths,don't get me wrong okay.I can tell there's something eye-glittering with Malaysia's performance on the recent years.Last year,2008 ,Malaysia is in the 29th place with a total GDP trade of $357.9 billion.Sounds pretty much isn't?Huh of course.Such a rapid economy growth.Give thank to our goverment for all the incentive and effort to prevent further economic-recession.
$169.9 billion on export.Malaysia's export is mostly based on electronic equipments,petroleum and LNG.US remained our biggest export buyer with 18.8%,Singapore 15.4%,Japan 8.9%,China 7.2%,Thailand 5.3%,Hong Kong 4.9%.
$132.9 billion on import.
Unfortunately,Our per capita is only about $14,400/year.Monthly,every Malaysian citizen only receive $1,200.We should have done better.Isn't?$1,200/month is not that much compared to our neighbour country,Singapore.
note that GDP is acronym to Gross Domestic Product.
bagi sume pengguna msdict.Xkesa la korang pakai dictionary apa pun..Jepun ker..French ker..Italian ker..Jerman ker..Spanish ker..Mesti ramai yg donlod dr web mobile system an?Mobile system memag ada bagi trial period selama 30 hari..Tapi aku dapat tau camne nak revert trial period tue..Hehe..Just a simple trick.
Alkisah..Senang je.Bila da sampai masa 30 hari trial period tue abis.Korang guna r fileman or Explorer dan yg sewaktu dgn nya,pergi ke drive C.Then masuk folder "Systems"..Then masuk folder "Data"..Then carik file "msdict.dat"..Biaseya file tue size nya 239 byte..Delete file "msdict.dat" tue..Then exit fileman.Try buka msdict dictionary korang..Tadaaa..Da siap..Skang trial period die kembali kpd 30 hari..Bila dah abes 30 hari pastu..Kowg wat ar agi smpai korang mati pun..Sure ley guna..Hehe..
Tujuan ak nunjuk ajar ni bukan la ak s0h k0rang asek d0nlod secare free then crik crack utk software tue..Tp aku tau btape pnting nya dictionary tue kat k0wg..Aku p0n hari2 bukak dictionary Deutsch(German)..Bg sape yg l0m try ag msdict..Try ler..Kowg xkan nyesal..Tapi ak lagi suggest kat kowg ar..Beli ar yg ori..Tapi kalau xmampu macam aku..There's a lot of crackers to lessen your burden.Haha
1820 1 billion
1930 2 billion
1960 3 billion
1974 4 billion
1988 5 billion
2000 6 billion
2007's census is about 6.61 billion.
So,I could assume that we'll get around 7 billion in the end of 2010.Haha.2020?
This information is actually not provided or conducted by me.Of course.Who the heck am I to do all this large-scaled surveilance.Isn't?I got this info from WorldFact 2008 conducted by CIA
Maybe all the people who knows me,they knew that i'm keen on using this saying.It's not that i'm saying that i'm a genius now.This saying,it means it takes nothing for you to be somebody skilled in your field of expertise.It just the time.The time will lead you.It will lead you to your glorious Eureka's moment.The moment of a great finding.
this saying suits me well.May be i'm no genius,no smart,no as bright as all of you.But i believe i'll be somebody like all of you.i know i'll be there one day.
May be there's a slight of doubtness whether i can be like the kind of you.To follow your way.To head to the way you all are leading.To keep on with your pace.Maybe i could never catch up with your pace.
i'm still crawling at this rate.Not like you.You are all running and maybe some are even sprinting,using all your resolve to reach there.To be on top of the world.
But,never mind.i'll do it my way.With my own style.i never hesitate about my ability and my capability and mycredibility.Because i know so much about them than you do!
The time will do it and Allah will decide the right moment for my glorious moment.i'm dead sure It's around the time of my living.
Until that moment,i'll be myself.Enjoying every second of my life.i'll live myself to the fullest.To make use of my brain to reach to it's never-before-seen ability.But now,i know i can be someone as smart as you.i can be like Faraday,Einstein or any genius figure who shaken the world with their finding one day,in the future.Because i know.They also started empty handed.
the use of small-lettered 'i' is not due to some gramatic errors in my writing or that i could not use the capital-lettered,'I'.It's due to the fact that i'm a very humble man.Hehe.
Cam yang korang dan aku tau..
SPM,tinggal 2 bulan je agi..
Tapi aku still dengan habit lame.Still dgn "Acedia" aku..Malas,x amek kesah n maen "wait and see" agi..
Well..Critical gak Acedia aku ni..Coz 2 r tercontain dlm 7 deadly sins.Hehe.
Start gn PPT bln Mei tue..Ak nekad nk start n boost RAM otak aku ni..Tapi..Early in the morning je jadi nye..Pastu aku set nak boost time trial..Trial p0n x jadi..5 fail beb(aku agak r cz result l0m kuar ag)..Pe kejadah nye?Add math p0n still topsy turvy agi..So bila r the outmost Eureka's moment aku akan hadir huh?
Aku sedih gak..Aku bukannya bodoh lagi tolol..Aku senanye sgt pandai..Pandai utk jd mls dan cari alasan xnk g sekola lar..Hehe
teruk kan aku nih?Tapi aku percaya..1 day nanti..Miracle akan datang..Aku tak perlu kan miracle utk jadi kaya..Sebab aku dah mampu beli maggie gn duet aku sendiri(maggie je la)..Hehe..Aku xperlu miracle utk jadi pandai..Sebab aku dah mampu hafal A,B,C..Aku cuma harap..Miracle yang akan mengabolishkan kelazyan aku nih akan datang..Tepat pada waktu dan tempat nya..Oh Lord..Give me that miracle..You are the only one we prayed to..I need it so badly..Maybe aku kena back to square one kot..Recall pe yang penah aku blajar and revise lesson yg aku tinggalkan dulu..
15/16 August 09
CHE 2-1 Hull
(Drogba 2 goals)
Eve 1-6 ARS
MAN 1-0 Bir
Tot 2-1 LIV
18/19 August 09
Sun 1-3 CHE
Bur 1-0 MAN
LIV 4-0 Sto
22/23/24 August 09
ARS 4-1 Por
Wig 0-5 MAN
Full 0-2 CHE
29 August 09
CHE 3-0 Burn
Bolt 2-3 LIV
12 SEPT 09
LIV 4-0 Burn
Mac 4-2 ARS
Sto 1-2 CHE
Tot 1-3 MAN
19/20/21 Sept 09
ARS 4-0 Wig
Whu 0-1 LIV
CHE 3-0 Tot
26 Sept 09
Sto 0-2 MAN
Wig 3-1 CHE
3/4 Oct 09
MAN vs Sun
ARS vs Blk
2.LCG JukeBox
4.Flash Player
7.Mobile World Fact
9.Super Bluetooth Hack
10.Smart Settings
11.Call Recorder
12. 125 telecom Background Music
bagi yang lum ada apps nih..Try lar carik..Banyak version yg dah sedia di crack kan oleh hackers yg bertauliah(perli ni)..
Apps yg disebut diatas hanya sesuai digunakan oleh Nokia S60 2nd Edition sahaja seperti Nokia N70.Yang up dari s60 2nd Edition..
Pandai2 la k0rang carik sendiri.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Socrates once said,
humans are the politic's slave,
he ought knows,
In the future,
power abusement,
is a tradition,
a culture which passed through time and space,
He ought knows,
what future-politician is like,
they only knows to abuse power,
hopping from a party to another,
just like grasshoppers,
searching for the crops,
they had wish to destroy,
to make use of it,
to the fullest.
that's happen when they sleep on their jobs,
but the job doesn't mind,
because it was merely a job,
they ought forgot,
the job is very select,
millions of peoples selected them,
to be the people's representative,
to enforce the laws,
to lighten people's burdens.
They may forgot,
every 5 years,
millions of Malaysian,
go out to vote for them,
contributing every penny ,
to be spend on their campaigns,
they are immortal,
but the immortality,
is merely meant to be used in Parliamentary,
but never in public.
Singh is King,
King of Monkeys,
I guessed..
(an another masterpiece from the humble Malaysian,not to criticize..just an another sarcastism from me...)

hye all.Ni merupakan entry pertama aku pasal H1N1.H1N1 seperti yg kita tahu telah merebak ke seluruh dunia dan WHO pun dah kuarkan PANDEMIK(lebih kurg cm darurat or pengisytiharan penularan wabak ke seluruh dunia) berkaitan H1N1.Sehingga semalam kira2 75 orang warga Malaysia telah maut dan ratusan lagi masih belum pulih dari H1N1.
Berkaitan pencegahan H1N1,aku mmg menyokong usaha kerajaan menutup sekolah2 yg dimana pelajar sekolah berkenaan dijangkiti H1N1.
Tapi agak pelik kerana pelajar asrama juga turut dibenarkan pulang ke rumah.Memang pada dasarnya,pelajar asrama yg dibenarkan pulang itu adlh pelajar yg negatif H1N1 pd mulanya,tapi mungkin juga pelajar itu sudah dijangkiti H1N1 tetapi belum menunjukkan simptom2 H1N1 ketika itu.tapi apa akan terjadi setelah pelajar itu pulang ke rumah kemudian baru lah mengalami simptom dan positif H1N1?Kemudian menjangkiti pula ahli keluarga yg lain.
Bayangkan jika nisbah nya 1/1000 pelajar yg pulang ke rumah itu positif H1N1.Berapa byk ahli keluarga yg akan dijangkiti?Kesian ibu bapa yg tak senang tidur memikirkan kemungkinan mereka akan dijangkiti H1N1.Haha..Sekian saja .
Fikirkan lah sejenak.Wassalam.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
(kalau leh pkai ar)
1.Kanak2 perlu pendedahan seawal usia 7tahun atau lagi muda lagi bagus.Lau kaki da keras cm kayu baru nak bg maen bola,arapan r nak masuk World Cup.
2.Gunakan provokasi.Antara faktor2 yg membawa kpd kejayaan penuh bersejarah Chelsea merangkul kejuaraan EPL pd tahun 2007 adalah provokasi yg dilancarkan oleh sendiri oleh Jose Mourinho.Jose melancarkan provokasi dgn mem"provoke" kpd Player2 Chelsea bhw mereka tidak begitu di sukai dan dihormati oleh peminat bola sepak dan kelab2 lain.Cara yg sama jugak bjaya membawa Inter Milan menjadi juara selama 4 musim berturut2! Syabas Mourinho
3.Politiking.Harus lah dihapuskan.Camane budak2 nak main bola kalau dalam FAM sendiri pegawai2 nya asek sibuk carik pangkat n berebut kuasa je?
4.Berilah peluang dan masa kat Jurulatih utk buktikan kemampuan d0rang.Lau setakat kalah 2 or 3 game tu standard r..Ni sampai nak pecat2 plk.Lau cmtu xd sape nak jadi jurulatih lau asek kena pecat jer.(cian B. Sathianathan,walaupun bjaya naikkan ranking Msia tp ttp kena pecat gara2 tewas 5-0 gn UAE..Pdhal stau aku rekod Msia dlm AFF suzuki Cup x ar gempak mana pun dlm 10 tahun terakhir ni..Ditambah pulak dgn masalah kecergasan pemain time tue mmg x mmuaskan..Hanya 2,3 pemain je yg cukup cergas time main gn UAE tu..Patot ker jurulatih yg dipersalahkan?Renung2 kan lar..FAM jgn lah cmni..
5.Masalah kewangan.Benda ni antara benda yg foremost utk diselesaikan.Byk sgt dah ku dgr citer psl Persatuan negeri xbayar gaji pemain ar.
6.Padang.Memang teruk
7.Masalah fitness,diet dan pemakanan pemain mestilah di pantau dgn kadar segera.
9.Rasa mudah bangga.
10.Semangat patriotik
11.Galakkan anak2 bersukan(dalam prospek ni,bola sepak ar).Ni simpan anak dlm umah wat pekasam.Last2 anak jd giler n kuat memberontak gara2 dikongkong dgn HEBAT nya oleh ibu bapa mereka.Jgn r rmpas hak mereka sbg sowg remaja.
Isu Khas :PPSMI Part (1)
Setelah 6 tahun PPSMI dieksperimenkan keatas pelajar2 UPSR,PMR dan SPM , kerajaan berkeputusan untuk memansuhkankan nya sepenuhnya pada 2012.
Pada pendapat aku la,PPSMI ni mmg selayaknya dimansuhkan,kalau tujuan utama nak jalankan PPSMI sebab nak tingkatkan tahap kefasihan dan kemahiran penggunaan bahasa english pelajar2,bukan kah ad cara dan kaedah lain bg melakukan nya??..
Masalahnya kenapa pelajar2 dijadikan bahan experimen?Kebanyakan member2 aku yg dah abis sekolah.Dorang xberani nak amek course yg menggunakan 100% bahasa English.Coz dorang xnak dibebankan dgn mslh pembelajaran nanti.
Kenapa?Coz dorang belum fasih lagi bertutur dlm Bahasa English.
Seperkara lagi,guru-guru yg mengajar dlm PPSMI pon nampaknya blom menguasai English sepenuhnya..terdapat byk kelemahan cth nya dlm menerangkan sesuatu..
to be continued
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Aku mula belajar apa itu erti physics,chemistry dan biology sejak dari form 1.Dan tok guru aku time tue adalah Abg Bob,senior aku(bekas bdk 5 efisyen).
Dia yg ajar aku apa tue rennin,pepsin,amylase.....
Periodic table,proton,electron,isotopes....
Inertia,momentum,pe tu law and principles
time 2 aku timbul minat ar nak amek science stream time aku f0m4 nt..Tp time pmr.. Result aku agak kureng sikit.. Menipiskan arapan aku tuk amek science.. Aku mkin risau pas aku tye cikgu Chemistry,Cikgu Mardiana ad pluang x aku nak msuk kelas science..Die kate agak tipis ar peluang aku..Aku risau beb..Cz slame ni aku l0m pnh jatuh dpd kelas 1st..Dpd sekolah rendah ag p0n aku l0m pnh turun kelas 2nd..So ad gak rse malu lau aku turun kelas nt..
So,pada ari penentuan kelas tu..Aku ttgu2 nama aku disebut utk msuk kelas 1st or kelas 2nd..Time 2 aku da xkesa da..1st or 2nd..Janji aku amek science..Tp name aku xd dlm list kelas 1st,Kelas 4 Syukur..Aku makin risau pas time die dah umum lebih dpd 30 nama students utk Kelas 2nd,Kelas 4 Efisyen tp nama aku still x kuar2..Lastly,Cikgu umum nama yang last sekali utk 4 Efisyen..N nama aku yg last skali..Aku bersyukur gak r cz dpt kelas problem nye skg ni..nak lulus pon bkn maen pyh agi...hohoho
lantak ar..janji aku amek sains..lulus or gagal SPM nanti,,
...2 Qada' dan Qadar..berserah je ar..
Juniors always be a victim and be victimized...
It happens so that i've come up with some tips for you...(to avoid from being bullied)
1.D0n't ever show that you are perfectly skilled in almost anything.Just try to be normal.
2.Dont create havoc.The seniors are watching your actions.
3.Respect the elders but be fair and never plot to take peoples down.
4.Show that u respected them.But Not afraid..
5.Mix wif the elders.Sh0w that ur matured.
6.Never ever be too selfish and stingy.They will never likes u.
7.Don't show them that you have too much pride in yourself..
Hope it does helps a lot..
by M. Azhaari Shah(MAS)





Yang pasti nya,apa rasional nya berhimpun ramai2 takat nak wat havoc tue?ker dorang xtau or xtgk kalender yg hari tu Hari Sabtu?Hari tumpuan pengunjung n pelancong kat area tue??wat malu nama Malaysia jer..lau yer pon nak serah memorandum Mansuhkan ISA tue,xle ker serah dalam keadaan aman lau dorang still nak berarak gak?aku xkesa lau dah ar wat perarakan HARAM,x dpt permit,tapi still nak wat havoc gak..
Mane ar letak akal fikiran orang yang mendakwa mereka dewasa,matang dan berakal ni?jangan sampai ranking Malaysia turun dalam Ranking Keamanan Dunia dah arr..tahun lepas no.26..tu pon sebab x byk insiden...
Monday, July 6, 2009
damn hell..
i dunno how it gets into my PC,but as far as I'm concerned..I din d/l anything from the internet for the past few weeks.Why does it happen to me??OMG...maybe it was a crystal clear warning that Allah wants me to focus on my studies...
(so I have so much time to be spent wif my family)
Monday, June 22, 2009
We are here in 5 syukur,
we are isolated,
from the crowd,
from the others..
Like an island,
estranged from the whole world,
We got a neighbour,
it's 5 Efisyen,
the same goes for them,
They got a neighbour too,
it's the ocean of books(SPBT),
Full of boringness,
but still got some colours,
sticked on the wall.
Here in 5 syukur,
we have no choice,
but to go on,
make or break,
that's the teacher's saying,
here in 5 syukur,
we still go on,
because we believes that,
it takes no genius to be a genius..
For our juniors,
study hard,
study smart,
don't let your guard down,
because when you do so,
you will end up like this poem writer !
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

they will rise,

Manchester United's Coach,Sir Alex Ferguson is having a difficult time at this moment when his club,Man Utd lost on the last week Champions League Final against Barcelona.
The match ended 2-0 defeat to Barcelona.
Barcelona's striker,Samuel Eto'o fired a short-distance shot on the 10th minute to defeat the old and bengong keeper,Edvin Van Der Sar.Messi,sealed the victory with his superb header,to defeat the foolish keeper again.
Due to that dissapointing defeat to Barcelona.Alex Ferguson has made the biggest change in his best eleven..
where he had sold away Wayne Rooney , Christiano Ronaldo , Edwin Van Der Sar ,Ryan Giggs , Berbatov , Rio Ferdinand and Paul Scholes to Kelantan FA and Perak FA..(hahahaha)
Then he bought several players from Liverfool FC and Arsengal FC.The players are,
Bulu Guni ,Bapoknaldo ,Van Besar ,Rian Gigi ,Rio Pedinen ,Berbatu , Pul Sekolah and many more.
"Manchester Useless Foolish Club"..
And their slogan is no more "Glory,glory Man U".. It's "Sorry,Sorry Man U"..
They are also shifting from "Old Trafford" to their new stadium,"Old Kerepot"..This changes is made to due to the defeat to Barca.MASPRESS(M.Azhaari Shah Press)
Krisis di Perak > Nizar vs Zambry.


Mesti ramai yang tertunggu keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi tentang siapakah Menteri Besar Perak yang sah,Nizar atau Zambry kan?
Bagi aku.Masalah camni kalau boleh,Setel ar cepat cepat.Sebab musababnya rakyat Perak gak yang rugi.Kalau dah tak ada escapism lain, bubar Parlimen.Fresh Election je ar jawapan nya.
Masalah nya,Aku cukup bengang dengan sikap Sivakumar,speaker Perak.Yang die suka suka gantung Si Zambry and 6 exco lain tu kenapa? Tak demokratik langsung.
Krisis ni senang je nak disetelkan kalau semua pihak sedar dan akur pada hakikat dan kenyataan sebenar.Aku bukannya nak menzahirkan sokongan kepada BN.Aku lebih suka menjadi on the fence observer.Tapi buka hati dan minda korang.Fikirkan sejenak.Aku tau artikel ni leh menyakitkan hati sesetengah orang.Tapi sedar la.Krisis ni bukan nya kes terpencil lagi.Lau tak ditangani segera,Maybe TRAGEDI BERDARAH 13 May akan berulang.Yang nak mogok lapar ar..Nak puasa sunat r..Wat pe?Seorang leader yg bijaksana dan adil takkan suruh pengikutnya wat bnda2 yang tak relevan..So kepada yang nak mencetuskan hasutan cam si Raja Petra yg penakut nak masuk Court tue.(anak dia pun berani tunjuk muka kat Court)..Fikirkan la dulu setiap action yg korang nak wat.Coz setiap action pasti ad reaction dan setiap reaction pasti ada chain of reaction n then ada impact and consequence nya.
So, bak kata Professor Jumri kat sek0lah aku,"kamu cari la sendiri,saya takkan beritahu kamu.."..Hahaha..kalau ada apa apa yg menyinggung perasaan,ada ralat(random error) ke pasal information di atas..Gitau ar..Sila bagi feedback dan pendapat korang..
Thou art here to read and think and comprehend and relate and smile!!
iqra'.. Bismi Rabb.. Umat islam kini bagai buih dilautan.. Dilanda ombak ia hilang. Ditiup angin ia pecah..