Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Emerging World Order - The Islamic Khilafah State

Salam 1Umat.. This is just a short reminder for all..

The world is at a cross road.

Our time is difficult.

The present is unstable.

But Insha ‘Allah the future is bright.

The signs of 'American century' coming to an end are very clear.

Anyone with profound knowledge can see this very happening.

America is becoming weak.

She is weary.

She is fragile.

Her global reach has been dented.

Her global ambition is even challenged by countries like North Korea.

She does not solely control the world any more.

She is stabbed by the apparent rise of Russia and China.

But there is an even bigger challenge she is facing; saving her status quo in
remaining in the reign of world ‘s
only global state.

So let us response to this course.

It' time.. Payback Time.

The Caliphate will arise.

Insha Allah.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Emerging World Order - The Islamic Khilafah State

Salam 1Umat.. This is just a short reminder for all..

The world is at a cross road.

Our time is difficult.

The present is unstable.

But Insha ‘Allah the future is bright.

The signs of 'American century' coming to an end are very clear.

Anyone with profound knowledge can see this very happening.

America is becoming weak.

She is weary.

She is fragile.

Her global reach has been dented.

Her global ambition is even challenged by countries like North Korea.

She does not solely control the world any more.

She is stabbed by the apparent rise of Russia and China.

But there is an even bigger challenge she is facing; saving her status quo in
remaining in the reign of world ‘s
only global state.

So let us response to this course.

It' time.. Payback Time.

The Caliphate will arise.

Insha Allah.

Thou art here to read and think and comprehend and relate and smile!!

iqra'.. Bismi Rabb.. Umat islam kini bagai buih dilautan.. Dilanda ombak ia hilang. Ditiup angin ia pecah..