Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Postive Effect dan Wake Up!


Sedikit input untuk mengenang Palestin.
Saya bawakan kepada kalian lirik lagu Positive Effect dan Wake Up! dari Doc Jazz. Sebuah band yang berjuang untuk keadilan bagi Palestin. Kalau rajin, pi lah tengok video depa kat youtube.

Positive Effect - by Doc Jazz

I can't wait ....
I Can't wait
Till freedom comes
And life will be so dear
I can't wait
Till the darkness goes
After all these years

There's a light on the horizon
And darkness starts to fade
And all the shadows lose their deep dark corners
Reveal what was in their shade

There's always reason for complaining
But there also comes a time
When people put their hands together
And resolve all nations' crimes

What we need is some positive effect
Something real to reinforce our self-respect
Do you feel the effect is quite direct
What you feel when you put your hand in mine

If we agree that we're all equal
Then why infringe on another's rights?
Abuse their power and their magnitude
Do they believe that right is might?
Just to feed the greed of the corporate industries
They declare a permanent state of war in their ministries
Do they believe the people of the world dont see the discrepancies?
"Spread democracy" is the word, but the truth is malignancy

Why keep on sending in their soldiers
To bend the flow of oil their way?
Why do they prove to the rest of the world
That they can't deal with the power without going
astray? *

What's their justification
For the destruction of these nations
For all the killing, and billing, and banking, and
Takes us one step back in humanity
And one step forward in primitivity

Free Palestine, free Iraq right now
It's the only way we can advance anyhow
Let's join our hands together, put these words
into effect
Let's return to the world its self-respect!

WAKE UP ! - Doc Jazz

Wake up wake up wake up!
There ’s something going on
An ugly chapter in human history
Wake up wake up wake up!
Cause Israhell ’s committing
War Crimes in the name of democracy
Its been a while since this went down
And still people are standing around
Watching all the victims find their end
History repeats itself once again
When will people ever learn
That sometimes silence is complicity
And if you lack the power to do something about
You only wallow in hypocrisy
What will you do if this gets out of hand?
Will you say I never knew or say that you don’t
Don ’t forget that sometimes its wise to choose
The way that doesn’t pay but goes by the rules
Don’t you know that we know that you know
what we know
About the violence you spread, the seed of hatred
you sow
While we ’re under the protection of international
You still manage to turn it into an international
The law of action and reaction disrespected by
Because invasion is aggression and you know it’s
the truth
What can this world’s 'democracy', the United
Nations do?
If whatever they decide is simply vetoed for you
People of the world, respect the law!
There ’s a reason why we have an international
The lessons learned from World War Two
Were to never let a people treat another people
like they weren ’t meant to be people
But don’t you see the irony
The victims went and made themselves a colony
They took another people ’s land and caused
You might say a repetition of history
But what was wrong then is still wrong now
The Zionist agenda simply doesn ’t allow
Any place for Palestinians, not even in their own
But do you really think we ’ll give up our land?
So for human rights
Support Palestine
Don ’t let Israhell
Continue in its path of crime
Speak Out, Speak Out, Speak Out
That ’s why I am asking you to speak out loud
And tell the world this shouldn’t be allowed
Again I’m telling you to speak out loud
Tell the world this shouldn’t be allowed

First time getting to Popular Bookstore.

2 May 2011


Today I went to Popular bookstore in Jaya Jusco, Bukit Tinggi. I tell you, i do not even know where the exact location of JJ, Bukit Tinggi (thought that i've lived in Klang for 11 years before i moved to Jeram , Kuala Selangor). Luckily, we (me and Afiq Arhan) got a tourist guide, Habib Fadli Lutas, my ex classmate in SK Tambak Jawa , he's a Klang dweller now.
I was so happy that i've met him atlast. It's been years i think since our last meeting.

Actually, my utmost motive to get there is to purchase the four books for the Usuluddin subject, which are Ulum Quran, Ulum Hadith, Ilmu Mantik and Ilmu Tauhid. But unfortunately, we found nay of those.

There were lots of books there. I feel like passing out ady.

I saw the book "Doctor In The House", i thought of buying it but surely my dad would scold on me (as he's a PAS supporter). Haha. nahh, so i was soo undecidal about what books are to be purchased.

There were many books that i picked up, but then i put those books back on the shelf. Oh.. How undecidal i was back then.

Among those books (books that i picked up, but then i put those back on the shelf) are,

1. Doctor In The House.
2. Khalid Al Walid The Sword of Allah.
3. Michael Jackson (history).
4. Riyadatus Shalihin by Imam Nawawi.
5. The Man In The White Suit (The Stig on the Top Gear show tu.)
6. Yakjuj dan Makjuj.
7. Iskandar Adalah Alexander.
8. Warren Buffett (the multibillionaire tu lah)
9. Pride and Prejudice (dah lama mengidam nak beli buku ni)

and others laa (so many more).

Four Books in a row.

At last, thinking about my friends who are insisting me to pick the right book in the minute of time as they were so tired, lastly i made the choices.

Here are the books i bought from Popular bookstore today.

1. Khalifah Khalifah Yang Benar by Abdul Latip Talib worth RM55. (770 pages/hard cover)

2.. Last Night In Twisted River by John Irving worth RM92.50 with discounts. (554 pages /hard cover)

3. The Bodies Left Behind by Jeffery Deaver worth RM66.90 with discounts. (440 pages/hard cover)

4. Kuasa Kepemimpinan Al Fateh by Muhammad Syaari Abdul Rahman worth RM 19.00. (220 pages/paperback)

i think i have had the strong reason why i bought Kuasa Kepemimpinan Al Fateh by Muhammad Syaari Abdul Rahman and Khalifah Khalifah Yang Benar by Abdul Latip Talib. Because my teacher said that in learning Tamadun Islam, we can't just rely on the textbooks, that we must enrich our knowledge by reading other islamic history-related books too. That's what i told my mum. Hee.

About the two other books, i bought those because the price were reduced. It's so hard to find this time where those are to be found sold with such an affordable price. Discounts is what leading me buying me these books, undeniably. Second, the quality. It's a no question how famous both authors, John Irving and Jeffery Deaver were. Third, to enrich my vocabs and rectify my grammar. I tell you, my english is in a very dying stage now. I can't tell how much of the grammatical errors i've made when typing this entry. So atleast, it would help me in regaining back my long lost form.

Actually, i'm a non fiction type. I dont really enjoy reading fiction books. I prefer historical or biography books.

Next time, i'm going to get there ALONE. Haiyaa, being companied by friends make me feel really uneasy LOL with their ,"Azhaari, dah la tu. Jom la balik." haha. Mengada betui depa ni. I hope you guys are reading this. LOL.

Though that i was unable to get to the KLIBF '11, i am adequated enough with the visit to Popular bookstore. When i said "visit" , it means that there'll be another "visit" with more pennies. I dont quite feel the SPLURGE kinda sensation with the visit just now. That's all for now.

Next time, insha Allah i'll get to MPH, Kinokuniya and Yeoh. Searching for the Usuluddin books. 5 months away from STPM. I should have bought the books from last year.

Mohammad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman.
11.00 pm 2 May 11.

Monday, May 2, 2011

April Log : Books I've read in April.

Ini buku buku yang sempat saya pinjam/beli sepanjang April '11.

1. Biografi Muhammad Bin Abdullah : Perjalanan Hidup Seorang Nabi edisi 2011

oleh Professor Zulkifli Mohd. Yusuf dan Dr Noor Naemah Abd. Rahman.
Buku ini setebal hampir 500 muka surat.
Saya beli dengan harga RM 35.00.
Dibeli pada 2 April dan alhamdulillah saya dapat menghabiskan bacaan pada 4 April.
Banyak input dapat dari buku ni. Kalau nak tahu, beli lah ya.

2. Malam Pertama di Alam Kubur.

Dimuatkan kompilasi karya Dr Aidh Al Qarni (Malam Pertama di Alam Kubur), Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdurrahman Al Uraifi (Parit Kematian) dan Syaikh Muhammad Husain Ya'qub dengan karya nya Tragedi Alam Kubur.
buku ini dibeli pada 6 April 2011 dengan harga RM6.90 (setebal 136 muka surat dan alhamdulillah saya hanya mengambil masa 6-7 jam sahaja untuk menghabiskannya). Buku ini sangat menyentuh hati. Membakar riya' dan ego. Terus terang saya menangis selepas membaca nya.

3. Tasauf Menurut Ibnu Taimiyah.

(dipinjam dari pusat sumber SMKSAA)

Saya mula membaca buku ini pada 7 April dan alhamdulillah berjaya menghabiskan nya pada 9 April
Buku ini hasil tulisan Dr. Thiblawy Mahmoud Saad. Saya tak berani nak komen apa apa tentang buku ini kerana ilmu saya menyangkut permasalahan ini adalah agak lemah dan buku ini isi nya agak berat, terutama jika dibaca oleh seorang yang kurang berilmu seperti saya. Cukup lah saya kata kan bahawa selepas membaca buku ini saya tahu bahawa Ibnu Taimiyah tidak pun memusuhi kaum sufi dan ahli salaf. Terdapat banyak bukti disertakan di dalam buku ini. Sesungguhnya Ibnu Taimiyah bukan lah memusuhi kaum sufi, sebaliknya beliau menghargai dunia tasauf. Buku in akan menjelaskan dengan terperinci tentang prinsip Ibnu Taimiyah terhadap tasauf, dan menolak tuduhan yang tidak berasas terhadap diri nya. Saya juga mendapati buku ini bermanfaat untuk memperbetulkan persepsi tentang dunia tasauf.

4. Motivasi Diri Sebagai Khalifah Di Bumi.

Tulisan Muhammad Ghazali. Buku ini walaupun agak tebal (400 ms lebih) tapi alhamdulillah ia mudah difahami dan dihadam. Tak dapat banyak input sebab baca dengan tergesa gesa (kerana dateline hampir tiba).

5. Islam Dalam Arus Jahiliyyah.

oleh Al Haqir Hamizan Hussin

Buku ini menarik. Ia mengupas tentang ghazwul fikr yang ditujukan kepada umat islam oleh orientalis barat, kebejatan demokrasi sehingga saya kini bertambah yakin untuk menolak demokrasi sekular yang kita amalkan sekarang. Ia juga menyelitkan punca dan rawatan bagi umat islam yang kini banyak diserang penyakit wahn. Melalui buku ini saya juga didedahkan dengan strategi orientalis barat yang telah sedaya upaya mendalami ilmu islam. Kemudian mereka memutar belitkan sejarah islam, antara nya ialah PK HITTI. Mereka juga berhasrat menggunakan kaedah "higher critism" untuk menafikan kebenaran Al Quran. Mereka telah melakukan nya dengan taurat dan bible. Keseluruhannya buku ini amat ringan dan mudah dihadam. Harganya sekitar RM6.00 sahaja.

6. Intipati Ihya Ulumuddin

Kitab ini tidak dinafikan paling tebal dan paling lama untuk dihabiskan. Dah tiga minggu tapi tak habis habis juga. Setebal 1544 muka surat. Saya hanya mampu baca 45% sahaja. Kerana hujung bulan April ni memang agak sibuk. Apa pun kitab ini tidak diragukan lagi antara kitab terbaik yang pernah dikarang manusia.
Cikgu yang jaga library sampai berkata, "ko nak pinjam buku ni boleh tapi jaga betul betul. Jangan sampai rosak. Buku ni ada satu je dalam library ni."

7. Qura'nic Phenomenon
karya Malik Bennabi. Belum sempat dibaca lagi. Jadi tiada kupasan mampu dibuat tapi buku ini tidak diragukan memang antara terbaik punya lah.

8. Tasauf Moden
Karya HAMKA. Pun tidak sempat dibaca.
terpaksa pulangkan tanpa mendapat sebarang input akan intipatinya.

Ini lah sedikit sebanyak buku yang sempat saya pinjam dalam bulan April dan saya dapat kongsikan dengan kalian. Saya harap dengan perkongsian ini akan menggerakkan hati kalian untuk terus gigih dan istiqamah dalam membuat bacaan dan menuntut ilmu. Insya Allah. Rasanya ini bulan terakhir saya dapat berbuat begini. Lepas ni dah tak boleh rasanya. Buku stpm pun tak sempat cover lagi.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Postive Effect dan Wake Up!


Sedikit input untuk mengenang Palestin.
Saya bawakan kepada kalian lirik lagu Positive Effect dan Wake Up! dari Doc Jazz. Sebuah band yang berjuang untuk keadilan bagi Palestin. Kalau rajin, pi lah tengok video depa kat youtube.

Positive Effect - by Doc Jazz

I can't wait ....
I Can't wait
Till freedom comes
And life will be so dear
I can't wait
Till the darkness goes
After all these years

There's a light on the horizon
And darkness starts to fade
And all the shadows lose their deep dark corners
Reveal what was in their shade

There's always reason for complaining
But there also comes a time
When people put their hands together
And resolve all nations' crimes

What we need is some positive effect
Something real to reinforce our self-respect
Do you feel the effect is quite direct
What you feel when you put your hand in mine

If we agree that we're all equal
Then why infringe on another's rights?
Abuse their power and their magnitude
Do they believe that right is might?
Just to feed the greed of the corporate industries
They declare a permanent state of war in their ministries
Do they believe the people of the world dont see the discrepancies?
"Spread democracy" is the word, but the truth is malignancy

Why keep on sending in their soldiers
To bend the flow of oil their way?
Why do they prove to the rest of the world
That they can't deal with the power without going
astray? *

What's their justification
For the destruction of these nations
For all the killing, and billing, and banking, and
Takes us one step back in humanity
And one step forward in primitivity

Free Palestine, free Iraq right now
It's the only way we can advance anyhow
Let's join our hands together, put these words
into effect
Let's return to the world its self-respect!

WAKE UP ! - Doc Jazz

Wake up wake up wake up!
There ’s something going on
An ugly chapter in human history
Wake up wake up wake up!
Cause Israhell ’s committing
War Crimes in the name of democracy
Its been a while since this went down
And still people are standing around
Watching all the victims find their end
History repeats itself once again
When will people ever learn
That sometimes silence is complicity
And if you lack the power to do something about
You only wallow in hypocrisy
What will you do if this gets out of hand?
Will you say I never knew or say that you don’t
Don ’t forget that sometimes its wise to choose
The way that doesn’t pay but goes by the rules
Don’t you know that we know that you know
what we know
About the violence you spread, the seed of hatred
you sow
While we ’re under the protection of international
You still manage to turn it into an international
The law of action and reaction disrespected by
Because invasion is aggression and you know it’s
the truth
What can this world’s 'democracy', the United
Nations do?
If whatever they decide is simply vetoed for you
People of the world, respect the law!
There ’s a reason why we have an international
The lessons learned from World War Two
Were to never let a people treat another people
like they weren ’t meant to be people
But don’t you see the irony
The victims went and made themselves a colony
They took another people ’s land and caused
You might say a repetition of history
But what was wrong then is still wrong now
The Zionist agenda simply doesn ’t allow
Any place for Palestinians, not even in their own
But do you really think we ’ll give up our land?
So for human rights
Support Palestine
Don ’t let Israhell
Continue in its path of crime
Speak Out, Speak Out, Speak Out
That ’s why I am asking you to speak out loud
And tell the world this shouldn’t be allowed
Again I’m telling you to speak out loud
Tell the world this shouldn’t be allowed

First time getting to Popular Bookstore.

2 May 2011


Today I went to Popular bookstore in Jaya Jusco, Bukit Tinggi. I tell you, i do not even know where the exact location of JJ, Bukit Tinggi (thought that i've lived in Klang for 11 years before i moved to Jeram , Kuala Selangor). Luckily, we (me and Afiq Arhan) got a tourist guide, Habib Fadli Lutas, my ex classmate in SK Tambak Jawa , he's a Klang dweller now.
I was so happy that i've met him atlast. It's been years i think since our last meeting.

Actually, my utmost motive to get there is to purchase the four books for the Usuluddin subject, which are Ulum Quran, Ulum Hadith, Ilmu Mantik and Ilmu Tauhid. But unfortunately, we found nay of those.

There were lots of books there. I feel like passing out ady.

I saw the book "Doctor In The House", i thought of buying it but surely my dad would scold on me (as he's a PAS supporter). Haha. nahh, so i was soo undecidal about what books are to be purchased.

There were many books that i picked up, but then i put those books back on the shelf. Oh.. How undecidal i was back then.

Among those books (books that i picked up, but then i put those back on the shelf) are,

1. Doctor In The House.
2. Khalid Al Walid The Sword of Allah.
3. Michael Jackson (history).
4. Riyadatus Shalihin by Imam Nawawi.
5. The Man In The White Suit (The Stig on the Top Gear show tu.)
6. Yakjuj dan Makjuj.
7. Iskandar Adalah Alexander.
8. Warren Buffett (the multibillionaire tu lah)
9. Pride and Prejudice (dah lama mengidam nak beli buku ni)

and others laa (so many more).

Four Books in a row.

At last, thinking about my friends who are insisting me to pick the right book in the minute of time as they were so tired, lastly i made the choices.

Here are the books i bought from Popular bookstore today.

1. Khalifah Khalifah Yang Benar by Abdul Latip Talib worth RM55. (770 pages/hard cover)

2.. Last Night In Twisted River by John Irving worth RM92.50 with discounts. (554 pages /hard cover)

3. The Bodies Left Behind by Jeffery Deaver worth RM66.90 with discounts. (440 pages/hard cover)

4. Kuasa Kepemimpinan Al Fateh by Muhammad Syaari Abdul Rahman worth RM 19.00. (220 pages/paperback)

i think i have had the strong reason why i bought Kuasa Kepemimpinan Al Fateh by Muhammad Syaari Abdul Rahman and Khalifah Khalifah Yang Benar by Abdul Latip Talib. Because my teacher said that in learning Tamadun Islam, we can't just rely on the textbooks, that we must enrich our knowledge by reading other islamic history-related books too. That's what i told my mum. Hee.

About the two other books, i bought those because the price were reduced. It's so hard to find this time where those are to be found sold with such an affordable price. Discounts is what leading me buying me these books, undeniably. Second, the quality. It's a no question how famous both authors, John Irving and Jeffery Deaver were. Third, to enrich my vocabs and rectify my grammar. I tell you, my english is in a very dying stage now. I can't tell how much of the grammatical errors i've made when typing this entry. So atleast, it would help me in regaining back my long lost form.

Actually, i'm a non fiction type. I dont really enjoy reading fiction books. I prefer historical or biography books.

Next time, i'm going to get there ALONE. Haiyaa, being companied by friends make me feel really uneasy LOL with their ,"Azhaari, dah la tu. Jom la balik." haha. Mengada betui depa ni. I hope you guys are reading this. LOL.

Though that i was unable to get to the KLIBF '11, i am adequated enough with the visit to Popular bookstore. When i said "visit" , it means that there'll be another "visit" with more pennies. I dont quite feel the SPLURGE kinda sensation with the visit just now. That's all for now.

Next time, insha Allah i'll get to MPH, Kinokuniya and Yeoh. Searching for the Usuluddin books. 5 months away from STPM. I should have bought the books from last year.

Mohammad Azhaari Shah Sulaiman.
11.00 pm 2 May 11.

Monday, May 2, 2011

April Log : Books I've read in April.

Ini buku buku yang sempat saya pinjam/beli sepanjang April '11.

1. Biografi Muhammad Bin Abdullah : Perjalanan Hidup Seorang Nabi edisi 2011

oleh Professor Zulkifli Mohd. Yusuf dan Dr Noor Naemah Abd. Rahman.
Buku ini setebal hampir 500 muka surat.
Saya beli dengan harga RM 35.00.
Dibeli pada 2 April dan alhamdulillah saya dapat menghabiskan bacaan pada 4 April.
Banyak input dapat dari buku ni. Kalau nak tahu, beli lah ya.

2. Malam Pertama di Alam Kubur.

Dimuatkan kompilasi karya Dr Aidh Al Qarni (Malam Pertama di Alam Kubur), Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdurrahman Al Uraifi (Parit Kematian) dan Syaikh Muhammad Husain Ya'qub dengan karya nya Tragedi Alam Kubur.
buku ini dibeli pada 6 April 2011 dengan harga RM6.90 (setebal 136 muka surat dan alhamdulillah saya hanya mengambil masa 6-7 jam sahaja untuk menghabiskannya). Buku ini sangat menyentuh hati. Membakar riya' dan ego. Terus terang saya menangis selepas membaca nya.

3. Tasauf Menurut Ibnu Taimiyah.

(dipinjam dari pusat sumber SMKSAA)

Saya mula membaca buku ini pada 7 April dan alhamdulillah berjaya menghabiskan nya pada 9 April
Buku ini hasil tulisan Dr. Thiblawy Mahmoud Saad. Saya tak berani nak komen apa apa tentang buku ini kerana ilmu saya menyangkut permasalahan ini adalah agak lemah dan buku ini isi nya agak berat, terutama jika dibaca oleh seorang yang kurang berilmu seperti saya. Cukup lah saya kata kan bahawa selepas membaca buku ini saya tahu bahawa Ibnu Taimiyah tidak pun memusuhi kaum sufi dan ahli salaf. Terdapat banyak bukti disertakan di dalam buku ini. Sesungguhnya Ibnu Taimiyah bukan lah memusuhi kaum sufi, sebaliknya beliau menghargai dunia tasauf. Buku in akan menjelaskan dengan terperinci tentang prinsip Ibnu Taimiyah terhadap tasauf, dan menolak tuduhan yang tidak berasas terhadap diri nya. Saya juga mendapati buku ini bermanfaat untuk memperbetulkan persepsi tentang dunia tasauf.

4. Motivasi Diri Sebagai Khalifah Di Bumi.

Tulisan Muhammad Ghazali. Buku ini walaupun agak tebal (400 ms lebih) tapi alhamdulillah ia mudah difahami dan dihadam. Tak dapat banyak input sebab baca dengan tergesa gesa (kerana dateline hampir tiba).

5. Islam Dalam Arus Jahiliyyah.

oleh Al Haqir Hamizan Hussin

Buku ini menarik. Ia mengupas tentang ghazwul fikr yang ditujukan kepada umat islam oleh orientalis barat, kebejatan demokrasi sehingga saya kini bertambah yakin untuk menolak demokrasi sekular yang kita amalkan sekarang. Ia juga menyelitkan punca dan rawatan bagi umat islam yang kini banyak diserang penyakit wahn. Melalui buku ini saya juga didedahkan dengan strategi orientalis barat yang telah sedaya upaya mendalami ilmu islam. Kemudian mereka memutar belitkan sejarah islam, antara nya ialah PK HITTI. Mereka juga berhasrat menggunakan kaedah "higher critism" untuk menafikan kebenaran Al Quran. Mereka telah melakukan nya dengan taurat dan bible. Keseluruhannya buku ini amat ringan dan mudah dihadam. Harganya sekitar RM6.00 sahaja.

6. Intipati Ihya Ulumuddin

Kitab ini tidak dinafikan paling tebal dan paling lama untuk dihabiskan. Dah tiga minggu tapi tak habis habis juga. Setebal 1544 muka surat. Saya hanya mampu baca 45% sahaja. Kerana hujung bulan April ni memang agak sibuk. Apa pun kitab ini tidak diragukan lagi antara kitab terbaik yang pernah dikarang manusia.
Cikgu yang jaga library sampai berkata, "ko nak pinjam buku ni boleh tapi jaga betul betul. Jangan sampai rosak. Buku ni ada satu je dalam library ni."

7. Qura'nic Phenomenon
karya Malik Bennabi. Belum sempat dibaca lagi. Jadi tiada kupasan mampu dibuat tapi buku ini tidak diragukan memang antara terbaik punya lah.

8. Tasauf Moden
Karya HAMKA. Pun tidak sempat dibaca.
terpaksa pulangkan tanpa mendapat sebarang input akan intipatinya.

Ini lah sedikit sebanyak buku yang sempat saya pinjam dalam bulan April dan saya dapat kongsikan dengan kalian. Saya harap dengan perkongsian ini akan menggerakkan hati kalian untuk terus gigih dan istiqamah dalam membuat bacaan dan menuntut ilmu. Insya Allah. Rasanya ini bulan terakhir saya dapat berbuat begini. Lepas ni dah tak boleh rasanya. Buku stpm pun tak sempat cover lagi.

Thou art here to read and think and comprehend and relate and smile!!

iqra'.. Bismi Rabb.. Umat islam kini bagai buih dilautan.. Dilanda ombak ia hilang. Ditiup angin ia pecah..